After many hull designs, the Moore 38 has become the proof of concept boat that is the cornerstone of our companies current hull design lineup. Based on this established Moore 38 concept, Moore Boat has been granted a design patent on our hull form (US D651,551S). The Moore 38 is a high speed, shallow draft vessel designed/outfitted to execute inland waterway and coastal maritime missions. It is a very capable boat yielding a solid, stable platform configurable for multiple applications including, but not limited to:
- Interdiction
- Anti-Piracy
- Critical Infrastructure Waterway Protection
- Vessel Escort
- Autonomous Vessel
- Search and Rescue
- Surveillance
- Force Insertion/Extraction
- National Defense
- Fire and Rescue
- Unmanned Systems Launch/Recovery Platform
- Recreational
A low center of gravity, and desire to keep occupants as low and in the boat as possible delivers the safest design for a boat that can traverse extreme shallow waters. The Moore 38 is a rapid response vessel topping out in excess of 45 knots. This speed with the ability to operate outside of traditional channels yields the ultimate in rapid response. The Moore 38 has been configured with a central helm pilot house design allowing for excellent operational awareness while affording occupants protection from the elements. As with all Moore Boat offerings, customization is our specialty. Contact us to discuss configuration options that will yield the most mission specific vessel available.

Components & Specifications
Standard Equipment
- 12V Accessory Plug (2)
- 12V Electric Distribution Panel
- 300 Gallon Baffled Under Deck Aluminum Plate Fuel Tank (Removable)
- 316 Stainless Fasteners
- 3M Safety Walk Deck Covering
- 5086 .250’" Bottom, .188” Sidewall & Deck
- 5086 H116 Keel Integrated Bow Eye & Welded Stern Eyes
- Aluminum Battery Box Supports
- Aluminum Welded Construction
- Backlit & Water Resistant 12V Switch Panels
- Bare Hull Finish
- Battery Switches
- Bilge Pumps w/ Auto & Manual Switches
- Bow Anchor Locker w/ Hatch & Southco Compression Latch
- Camber Deck w/ Integrated Water Deck Drain
- Centralized Helm Position For Optimal Situational Awareness
- 10” Welded Aluminum Cleats (8)
- Cockpit: Self-Bailing
- Construction: Military Grade, Fully Welded 5086 Aluminum H116
- Custom Aluminum Bilge Through Hulls
- Custom Electric Aluminum Trim Tabs w/ Digital Indicators
- Displacement Bow Wrap Optimized For Crash Stop Buoyancy
- Electronic Actuated Motor Box Hatch
- Electronics Configured Overhead Of Operator
- Forward Storage Box w/ Latched Access Doors
- Full Aluminum Rub Rail w/ Additional Full Interior Cockpit Pipe
- Full Width Swim Platform
- General Safety Labels
- Gunwale Safety Grab/Handrails
- Hydraulic Steering Helm Pump
- Integrated Fire Extinguisher Storage Holders (X2)
- LED Navigation Lights
- Lower Port & STBD Aluminum Rub Strakes Integrated Into Swim Platform
- Magnetic Compass
- Mass Calculated Anode Placement
- Minimized Dissimular Metal Construction
- Operator & Equipment Manual(s)
- Parker/Racor Fuel Filter(s)
- Patented Moore Boat Design Shallow Draft Aluminum Hull
- Pilot House Drawers w/ Compression Latches (X3)
- Screw Down Inspection Hatches
- Stainless Destroyer Style Steering Wheel
- Twin Marine Batteries
- Welded Aluminum HIN Placard
- Welded Skegs & Doubler Plate On Bottom Hull Plate
- Wipers & Washer For Windshield Centerline & Port
- Marine Grade Wiring (Tinned)